Submitted papers will be assessed based on their novelty, technical quality, potential impact, and clarity of writing. For papers that rely heavily on empirical evaluations, the experimental methods and results should be clear, well executed, and repeatable. Authors are strongly encouraged to make data and code publicly available whenever possible. Every paper submitted to AETS conference is sent to at least two reviewers that include members of the International Program Committee, members of the Technical Committee, and additional qualified reviewers. Submissions of papers describing original work in, but not limited to the following topics are enthusiastically encouraged:
(1) Automobile and
Advanced driver assistance technologies
Highly automated driving technologies
Connected driving technologies
Standards and Automobile Testing technologies
Advanced Driver Assistance Systems
Automated Vehicles
Active and Passive Vehicle Safety
Vehicle Engineering
Vehicle Environment Perception
Driver State and Intent Recognition
Eco-driving and Energy-efficient Vehicles
Impact on Traffic Flows
Cooperative Vehicle-infrastructure Systems
Collision Avoidance
Pedestrian Protection
V2X Communication
Proximity Detection Technology
Assistive Mobility Systems
Proximity Awareness Technology
Intelligent Ground, Air and Space Vehicles
Autonomous / Intelligent Robotic Vehicles
Image, Radar, Lidar Signal Processing
Information Fusion
Human Factors and Human Machine Interaction
Engine Fault Diagnosis and Recovery Technology
Engine Detection Technology
Electric and Hybrid Technologies
Novel Interfaces and Displays
(2) Vehicle Engineering
Vehicle Advanced Design Technology
Vehicle Advanced Manufacturing Processes Technology
Vehicle M anufacturing Automation Technology
Vehicle Advanced Manufacturing Material
Vehicle Control
Vehicle Chassis DetectionTechnology
Vehicle Chassis Fault Diagnosis and Recovery Technology
Vehicle Fault Diagnosis and Recovery Technology
Special Vehicle Detection Technology
Special Vehicle Fault Diagnosis and Recovery Technology
Vehicle Exhaust Gas Emission Monitoring System
Vehicle System Dynamics Modeling and Simulation
Vehicle System Simulation Technology
Vehicle System Model Identification and Signal Processing
Vehicle System Modern Control Theory and Control Method
Vehicle System Intelligent Control
Vehicle System Optimal Control
Vehicle System Adaptive Control Theory and Control Method
Vehicle System Stochastic Control
Vehicle System Reliability and Safety Control
Vehicle Virtual Reality Technology
Vehicle System Robust Control Theory and Control Method
Vehicle System Nonlinear Control Theory and Control Method
Vehicle System Bus Technology
Vehicle Safety
Electric Vehicle Battery Technology
Electric Vehicle Electric Drive and Control Technology
Electric Vehicle Material New Technology
Electric Vehicle Whole Vehicle New Technology
Electric Vehicle Energy Management Technology
HEV System Integration Technology
HEV Whole Vehicle Energy Management System
HEV Control Strategy
(3) Mechanical Engineering
Acoustics and Noise Control
Computational Mechanics
Dynamics and Vibration
Fatigue and Fracture
Fluid Dynamics
Fluid Mechanics and Machinery
Instrumentation and Control
Internal Combustion Engines
Machinery and Machine Design
Manufacturing and Production Processes
Marine System Design
Mechanical Design
Noise and Vibration
Non-destructive Evaluation
Robotic Automation and Control
Solid Mechanics
Structural Dynamics
(4) Traffic Science and Transport System
Intelligent Transport System
Analysis of Transport System
Transportation Economics Application
Transport Design and Management
Traffic Regulation Application and Management
Transport Management and Control
Transport Phenomena
Logistics Engineering and Management
Logistics Storage Technology and Management
Logistics Information Technology and Management
Road Construction and Budget
Road Construction and Management
Roadbed and Pavement Engineering and Management
Road Safety